Mini Leagues

Matches for the current round must be finished BY 5.00 PM ON SUNDAY 4 May 2025

PREM DIVISION 1 2 3 4 5 6 T
Anthony Bennett  

Martin Shaw

Ian White


Martin Douglas


Tim Hunter


Ronan Ball

DIVISION 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 T
John Johnson   

Paul Jackson 

Julian Chalk


Steve Foley


Brian Matson



(Last updated 24 February 2025)

Racketball Mini-leagues run throughout the year, on a 6-8 week cycle. Players are expected to arrange their own games between themselves, the full membership list and contact details is on our booking system. Racketball Mini-league matches are played to American rules (point a rally scoring), best of 5, or first to 3 games wins.

Points scored as follows:

Score 0-0 / Points 2-2
Score 1-0 / Points 3-2
Score 1-1 / Points 3-2
Score 2-0 / Points 4-2
Score 2-1 / Points 4-3
Score 2-2 / Points 4-4
Score 3-0 / Points 7-2
Score 3-1 / Points 6-3
Score 3-2 / Points 5-4


Current Members


Matches per Week


Years of History