The site and buildings thereon were purchased by the Club with the aid of a grant from the Foundation for Sport and the Arts in 1994. They are owned by Ferriby Hall Squash Club Limited, a company limited by shares which holds the property in trust for the members of the Club. The Company shall have two Directors and a Secretary who shall be appointed by the Club Committee. No decisions shall be taken by the Directors without the approval of the Club Committee.
a) To provide facilities for the playing of squash rackets at the Ferriby Hall Squash and Racketball Club.
b) To promote and encourage the game of squash rackets and racketball by the holding of tournaments, leagues, exhibitions, coaching and by any other means which may from time to time be determined by the Committee.
c) To provide social and other recreational facilities for members.
d) To promote and encourage any other sports for which the Club’s facilities are suitable, e.g. racketball.
e) To do all things necessary for the attainment of these objectives in a way that is fair to everyone.
a) Membership of the Club shall be open to persons wishing to participate in the above objectives, on payment of the appropriate subscription, subject to approval by the Committee.
The Committee reserves the right to refuse any application for membership without disclosing its reasons.
b) The Club Membership Year shall run from 1st November. Existing members wishing to renew their membership for the following year must do so on or before the 1st November. Members not renewing by this date are deemed thereafter to be non-members and may not use the Club or participate in Club activities, except as guests. Should they subsequently wish to rejoin, they must apply for membership.
c) New members joining during the year pay a subscription reduced by 25% for each elapsed quarter.
d) Membership in October shall be free for new members joining in October for the following year.
e) Members whose use of the Club is restricted to occasional visits because they live elsewhere in the country, shall pay the student rate at the discretion of the Committee.
f) All members will be subject to the regulations of the constitution and by joining the Club will be deemed to accept these regulations and codes of conduct.
g) Off peak members are not permitted to play at peak times and as members cannot be considered as guests in order to play at peak times. Off peak and peak times are clearly defined on the court booking pages.
a) The management of all the affairs of the Club will be delegated by the members to a committee which will be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting.
b) The Committee shall consists of Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary and not more than six further elected members.
c) The Committee shall have power to co-opt up to three further members, who shall have voting rights.
d) The Committee may establish sub-committees or working parties which shall be responsible to the Committee.
e) Minutes of all Committee Meetings shall be displayed on the Club website.
f) A special meeting of the Committee may be called at the request of the Chairman, or any four members of the Committee.
g) The Committee shall meet at least four times per year.
h) The Committee shall have the right to suspend or terminate the membership of any person who is considered to have acted against the best interests of the Club.
i) The Committee shall also have the right to impose penalties or restrictions on any member who contravenes or abuses Club Rules or Regulations or uses unacceptable or disruptive behaviour on or off the court.
j) Complaints regarding behaviour should be submitted in writing to the Committee. The Committee will meet to hear complaints within 14 days of a complaint being lodged. The Committee has the power to take appropriate disciplinary action including termination of membership. The outcome of a disciplinary hearing will be notified in writing to the complainant and the person against whom the complaint was made within 7 days of the hearing. There will be the right of appeal to the Committee following disciplinary action being announced, which will be considered by the Committee within 14 days of the appeal.
k) A quorum shall be four members including at least one Honorary Officer.
l) In the case of an equality of votes, the Chairman shall have the extra vote.
m) The maximum tenure for the Chairman will be 3 years and of 5 years for the Secretary and Treasurer.
There will be a minimum of 1 year between any of these Committee members taking or re-taking of these roles. This does not preclude a Committee member standing down if so required.
I. Playing guests are limited to TWO visits a year, with the exception of juniors, who will be allowed to use the Junior Club for up to SIX weeks before enrolling as a Club Member. A member may play a guest more than twice by prior agreement with a committee member.
II. Off peak members are not permitted to play as guests at peak times.
III. Junior members under 14 years of age must be accompanied by an older person whilst on the club premises.
I. Court bookings can be booked up to 2 weeks in advance.
II. Courts can only be reserved if they are booked in advance.
III. Courts for pre-arranged events such as inter-club matches, team minileagues, coaching sessions, etc. will be reserved by the Committee.
IV. Peak time courts (5.20 pm – 10.00 pm Monday to Friday) cannot be used for coaching non-members.
V. Only one court may be booked on any one evening for inter-club matches except for Yorkshire League matches which require two courts, and any exceptional circumstance to be agreed by the committee.
VI. One court shall always be available for individual bookings at peak times only except during Saturday Club 4.40 pm – 6.40 pm Saturdays, and Junior Club, however in the interest of the club and its members the committee may vote to use all three courts if it benefits the club.
Shoes must be non-marking court shoes and never used outside.
Committee approval is required for the organisation of all playing activities run by club members for club members.
a) The Honorary Treasurer shall be responsible to the Committee for the proper handling of all financial matters, including reporting on the financial situation at each Committee Meeting and presenting detailed accounts at the AGM. The accounts shall be audited annually.
b) The Club shall have a bank account bearing its name at a location approved by the Committee. The signatures of at least two members of the Committee shall be required for any payments from the Club’s account.
c) Membership fees, court booking fees and light meter charges shall be decided by the Members at the AGM for the ensuing year.
d) The Club’s financial year shall run from 1st October to 30th September.
a) An Annual General Meeting shall be held each year. The business shall include:
- Presentation of a report on the Club’s activities for the year.
- Presentation of accounts for the year.
- Election of Officers and Committee Members coming year.
- Opportunity for members to comment on all aspects of the running
of the Club in writing prior to the AGM.
b) Notice of the AGM must be received by all members at least 21 days before the meeting and the meeting must also be advertised on the Club noticeboard.
A Special General Meeting may be called at any time should the Committee deem it necessary, or at the written request of ten members. Members must be given at least fourteen days notice of such a meeting.
Alterations to these rules require a two-thirds majority at an AGM or a Special General Meeting.
Should the property cease to be used for the playing of squash, any profits accruing from its disposal shall, subject to agreement by the committee and members, be donated to selected sports charities and sports organisations. This shall also apply to any funds remaining after the meeting of all liabilities and held by the Club Committee.
Rules as amended at the Annual General Meeting on 4th July 2019
Current Members
Matches per Week
Years of History